

Alone High Functioning Sociopath

BHU Comprehensive English Translation


Initially, it is the contradiction all with particularity in the luxuriant modalities of material motion. There is nothing in the world except the dynamic matter whose motions must adopt certain forms, which signifies the endeavor of people cognizing matter is perceiving the modes in moving substances. For each pattern of corporeal variation, eminent significance must be attached to what it has in common with other schemas of motion. However, the object, foundation of what we had understood, afforded us some special characteristics that merit attention, which indicates respecting its qualitative difference from other sportive patterns has a myriad of extraordinary imperatives. Only by recognizing this perspective is it feasible to distinguish between matters. Any form of movement contains its own special contradictions. This particular contradiction constitutes the peculiar essence of a matter as distinct from another. This is the cause, or ground, of the affluent seam of matters in the world have diverse inherence.

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